"Hello Everyone!
Well I guess after popular demand it was requested that I send another one of these big letters to everyone... SO! here we go!
I was thinking that I would share with you a spiritual thought how does that sound? No? Well to bad that's what you get ;) I have been thinking about a specific gospel topic the last couple days and it is one that is found in Mosiah chapter 2. sorry if I paraphrase or mis-quote the sections I don't have a ton of time to look up and do it word for word so I hope you get the idea though. In chapter 2 about vs 32 they start talking about 'listing to do evil' and for along time I didn't know what this meant so, I turned to my handy dandy dictionary and looked it up! listing means to tilt one way or the other. Just like a ship it can rock one way or the other.
So, what does this mean to 'LIST to do evil?'
Let me share with you an experience I had before my mission that also taught me this. I was working in New Mexico, and we had a truck with at least 4 pallets of block on it, so it was very heavy. We came to a point where we were going to turn around and make the truck face the other way for convenience. At this place where we were turning there was a cone. We had no idea why the cone was there only that it could potentially mean danger! So, we did not hit the cone thinking that there was just something dangerous underneath. As we made about a quarter of our U-turn we felt a sudden SLAM! It was as though we hit a wall... but there was no wall.
What had happened was there was a broken pipe under that cone causing the ground underneath the truck to sink into the ground. This was a big truck one of those Ford 450 flat beds. And the bottom of the bed was on the ground we sunk in that much.
So what am I trying to say exactly?"
Well I guess after popular demand it was requested that I send another one of these big letters to everyone... SO! here we go!
I was thinking that I would share with you a spiritual thought how does that sound? No? Well to bad that's what you get ;) I have been thinking about a specific gospel topic the last couple days and it is one that is found in Mosiah chapter 2. sorry if I paraphrase or mis-quote the sections I don't have a ton of time to look up and do it word for word so I hope you get the idea though. In chapter 2 about vs 32 they start talking about 'listing to do evil' and for along time I didn't know what this meant so, I turned to my handy dandy dictionary and looked it up! listing means to tilt one way or the other. Just like a ship it can rock one way or the other.
So, what does this mean to 'LIST to do evil?'
Let me share with you an experience I had before my mission that also taught me this. I was working in New Mexico, and we had a truck with at least 4 pallets of block on it, so it was very heavy. We came to a point where we were going to turn around and make the truck face the other way for convenience. At this place where we were turning there was a cone. We had no idea why the cone was there only that it could potentially mean danger! So, we did not hit the cone thinking that there was just something dangerous underneath. As we made about a quarter of our U-turn we felt a sudden SLAM! It was as though we hit a wall... but there was no wall.
What had happened was there was a broken pipe under that cone causing the ground underneath the truck to sink into the ground. This was a big truck one of those Ford 450 flat beds. And the bottom of the bed was on the ground we sunk in that much.
So what am I trying to say exactly?"