Ray comes home

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Almost to NY

I had to make a new email account because for some reason the other one wasn't working!!!
Anyways I got to listen to Richard G Scott last night and he gave us all an Apostlic Blessing that we would have the gift of tounges and also a blessing of safety as long as we are obedient to the Lord :) He taught a lot about teaching a acting upon the promptings of the spirit and how we just need to listen.

This whole stay here has just been crazy and it makes life at home just like a dream, almost like I never lived that life. The food is great, and so were those cookies! thank you for those and those letters they truly brightened my day! :)I'm leaving to New York on September 1st (: 6 more days :) We will be flying in to Detroit and then a 2 hour lay over for a flight into Syracruse. I will call your cell at either Before 6am on that tuesday OR around 9-11am while im in Detroit. I dont know if you guys cant find it but I really need that camera charger my camera is about dead and there is so many pictures I would like to take! I dont have anyones email accept yours so if you can send me all the immediate family's email addresses I would love to talk to them as well.

Mom, I know that your sacrifices and hard work will pay off, when you submit your will to the Lord he will bless you more than you could and will ever know. And at times when you feel frustrated with things you can always know that Jesus Christ knows those exact feelings and he felt them with you in the garden. If you turn to him for comfort it will be given to you as long as you have a broken heart and contrite spirit.

OoOoOo Yesterday I had the chance to work in the Referal center where people call in for BoM's and stuff like that and a lady called in for the lamb of god dvd and I got to share a Scripture and my testimony and it was all about the atonement and she had bone diterioration and that was exactly what she needed to hear so I sent missionaries to here house as well :)

Well Mom I love you very much and I cant wait to here from you.if you write me back through dearelder.com ill get it by dinner :)-Elder Dandridge

ps what do you get when you put spaggetti in the ocean?

Apostasy haha :)

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