Ray comes home

Monday, September 28, 2009

Syracuse ROCKS!

Hey everyone!

Big news Eric I hope you have a Happy Birthday because it will also be happy for me. My VERY FIRST BAPTISM is on Oct. 9th so there you go Happy Birthday Brotha!

Her name is Shannon she's cool I'll send some pics of the baptism! She"s 13 and is loving YW and is just awsome. She reads the BoM and FSotY and calls us with questions.

Elder Warr and I are having a blast here! The work isn't any fun without fun. And the fun isn't any fun without work. I think you would have to be a missionary to understand that, or at least have the spirit of revalation. lol.

OH I ALMOST FOR GOT TO TELL YOU Elder Warr and I were starving so we went to go get a hot and ready from Little Ceasers! There was no where to sit so we went over to McDonalds to eat it. We were not sitting there for 5min and this is when we met Gwendaline.

OH MY GOODNESS! She asked us if she could sit down next to us and talk and have a smoke so we told her that was ok and that we would love to talk to her. oh my thought "This can be a good teaching experiance."So she asked us what we do and we told her that we were missionaries for our church. So she asked oh what church, we told her and she asked do you believe in God? And before we could answer she said "I'M GOD... DID YOU KNOW THAT?" and we told her that it would be hard for us to believe that. She just said "oh..." and she told us all kinds of weird things like, she made Elder Warr's watch for him out of lobster crab shrimp and whale. Then she gave him his rosy cheeks so that he can get free ice cream cones. And ff I touch my left dimple and then the right I can get what ever I wish for. Oh my goodness there are some weird people here... if I could just paint a picture for you shes about 300 lbs black... no teeth and She looks like she talks! She did so many drugs she was just fried! oh boy it was awsome!

Q&A time!!!Q: Send pics email or mail?

A: Well I can't open them on the computers here so.... mail is problly agood idea.

Q:Elder Warr?

A: he's very cool... ill send some pics :)

Q: did you get your bike back yet?


Well I hope to hear from you all

Love ya, Elder Dandridge

Monday, September 14, 2009

I Love Missionary Work :)

So the night after I wrote last week,
Elder Warr and I came across a family of 4 :)
The youngest child ordered a bible from church head quarters. And so we delivered it and the whole family was excited to hear our message and they all sat down and just listened AND... THEY ASKED QUESTIONS!
It was AWESOME! so we were done and asked them if we could come by another time and they said "yeah we're having turkey dinner tomorrow come eat." SCORE!!!! So we taught them that night about the plan of salvation and they had a Million Questions!!! We're teaching them again to night they are all so ready I can almost smell the baptizimal font!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Anyways the other day my bike seriously just busted. The crank and the barings in there seriously exploded while I was pedaling up a steap hill. So its in the shop right now and I'm using a members bike. Oh Syracuse is really cool there are a ton of hills and the biggest one is on the west side.... we live on the west side so in the morning we get to fly down the hill probably around 30mph and at the end of the day when your tired and stuff... yeah we get to bike up it :) I'm not complaining just tell you how much I enjoy loosing 20lbs and boy oh boy you should see my thighs :)
Q&A time!
Q: how long has Elder Warr been out?
A: This is his 10th Transfer so he has about 10 months left.
Q: Are you serving in a Ward or a Branch?
A: Both there is the Syracuse Ward and then there is a Singles Branch.
I love you all and you're all in my prayers let me know whats up!
-Elder Dandridge
PS Excuse any of my Ibanics I Be Trying not to show ya'll how we's peoples talk up in
"The Cuse"

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The Q's

Hey Everyone,
I'm writing actually the day after Pday because the library was closed yesterday. Ill try too answer every ones questions uh first off Syracuse (Seer-a-q's if your white Sara-q's if your black) but to make some agreement everyone just calls it The Cuse (Q's) There are some RIDICULOUSLY nice houses and all so there is the extreme ghetto. If the city were human it would be bipolar I swear! My Companion Elder Warr is the bomb he is the best piano player I have heard in my life. The culture is just like the city either very willing to listen to us or just wants us to leave. And its surprising that it isn't in just one area its random all over. The food Oh my goodness, I might bring Bro. Kirkland home with me. He's from Alabama and he can cook a MEAN bbq. he also says things like was Soaping those since thursday (talking about soaking the steaks) or the Melchezidek preisthood. haha he is awesome I'm on a bike and I forgot to tell you about how many hills there are here my goodness at the end of the day my thighs are burning! oh and by the way our apartment is the highest part of the city so in the morning its clean sailing but going home is tough. at least we don't like going home until its time to go eh?
Love Elder Dandridge

Thursday, September 3, 2009

He made it

Flight was canceled due to problems with the planes WIRES just another chapter for Ray's book he said he is going to write "Down to the Wire"
They ended up going after a 5 hr delay made it into Syracuse @ 11pm and finally to the mission home to bed @ 2am. After starting out at the MTC @ 3 am that made it a long 23hrs. What a way to enter the field one to remember.
Sis Hansen called me from the mission office for some updates and told us Elder Dandridge did a great job keeping them informed on both ends. I'm so glad they made it safe and sound
His first area is in Syracuse!