Ray comes home

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The Q's

Hey Everyone,
I'm writing actually the day after Pday because the library was closed yesterday. Ill try too answer every ones questions uh first off Syracuse (Seer-a-q's if your white Sara-q's if your black) but to make some agreement everyone just calls it The Cuse (Q's) There are some RIDICULOUSLY nice houses and all so there is the extreme ghetto. If the city were human it would be bipolar I swear! My Companion Elder Warr is the bomb he is the best piano player I have heard in my life. The culture is just like the city either very willing to listen to us or just wants us to leave. And its surprising that it isn't in just one area its random all over. The food Oh my goodness, I might bring Bro. Kirkland home with me. He's from Alabama and he can cook a MEAN bbq. he also says things like was Soaping those since thursday (talking about soaking the steaks) or the Melchezidek preisthood. haha he is awesome I'm on a bike and I forgot to tell you about how many hills there are here my goodness at the end of the day my thighs are burning! oh and by the way our apartment is the highest part of the city so in the morning its clean sailing but going home is tough. at least we don't like going home until its time to go eh?
Love Elder Dandridge

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