Ray comes home

Friday, March 5, 2010

Blessings, Blizzards and Baptism

Hey everyone!

I can't believe that it's already time to write again! Well I've FINALLY got my new email account all figured out so I decided to do the mass letter again! This week was AWESOME! As you might already know NY was just SLAMMED with a blizzard. Let me tell you it was waaay fun! We got 12-14 inches in the matter of 24 hours! Why is that awesome? Well it gave Elder West and I the opportunity to do tons of service shoveling snow for everyone. By doing so it helped us find a TON of new people to teach! I couldn't help thinking about Ammon and how he was serving King Lamoni and how he really didn't need to go the extra mile... but he did. And so did we and because we followed Ammons example we were able to find people who where or are now being prepared by our Heavenly Father. And I hope I can carry that mentality through out the rest of my life, because I love the feelings that that Christlike love or charity gives me and also the blessings it brings. So I guess that brings me to my challenge to you is find someone that is in need of help, and show them your love for them and I promise by doing so you will come to understand this gospel more fully and also come to the knowledge or deeper knowledge that Christ is our Savior and it was through his Love and Charity that we can one day live with our Father in Heaven. I say this because I know this, that charity brings us closer to our Savior Jesus Christ.

Much Love-Elder Ray Dandridge

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