Ray comes home

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

MM's Manner of Men ought ye to be?

"Hey Everyone!

How are you doing? I thought that today since I have a little time I'll share a little thought!

It's based on one of my most favorite scriptures... well at least I like the first half of the verse it teaches a very profound principle. It is in the 2nd book of Nephi 9:16 it states; 'And assuredly, as the Lord liveth, for the Lord God hath spoken it and it is his eternal word, which cannot pass away, that they who are righteous shall be righteous still, and they who are filthy shall be filthy still,...' (italics added.)

You see that is what this life is really all about. We are here to become something, and what what ever it is that become in this life is what we will be in the world to come. And like it says in that scripture if we become righteous then we will then be righteous, and filthy be filthy. The same thing applies to being lazy or being active, faithful or unfaithful, and obedient to God's commandments or not. The most comforting thing to me about this and what gives me hope is the knowledge that those who live this life the best they can trying their absolute hardest to be like our Savior. That person will still be a person who tries their hardest to be Christ like.
The Mediator of all of us will then gladly bear our burden and say unto us 'Well done thou good and faithful servant.'
My challenge to each of you is the same as Christ when He said 'What manner of men ought ye to be? Verily, I say unto you even as I am.' (3 Nephi 27:27)

I Love you all and look forward to hearing from you,
-Elder N. Ray Dandridge"

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Great Week

"Hey Guys!
My week was really awesome! We had Zone Conference and It was on self control or conquering the flesh! I learned a lot. this picture is of Elder Warr (my trainer now an Assistant to Pres. Bulloch) and I after Zone Conference got to stay out late to hear the Utah Valley Childrens Choir they were awesome... almost as good as MHS Choir... haha! But, I had to snag one more picture with him because he is leaving in a couple weeks :( and the other picture of the baptism we had for Kevin Carpenter! He was just so happy he was just so radiant that he just seemed to light up the room it was a great experiance!
Love you all! have a great week!
-Elder Ray-Ray Dandridge"

Monday, July 12, 2010

Happy 4th of July 2010

"For the 4th Elder Powers and I were asked to speak at a lake side service held for all the churches in Trumansburg. (Talk about giving a scary talk, this one was in front of 3-4 other ministers of other religions!) I spoke on the Gospel of Jesus Christ (faith,repentance, bapt, Holy Ghost, and Endure to the End.) It went really well! one of the Branch members got a picture of me preaching with the lake behind me and a big tree behind me and a book of mormon in my hand it looks really cool! i need to get a copy of it :) Then we went to a members home and sat around her fire pit and ate wild black berries (they actually call them black caps because they are so small they look more like a cap then a berry i guess either way i was thrilled!) Then we went to go watch a movie at the church with some recent converts (Joseph Smith, prophet of the restoration. the one they show at the visitors center... yeah iv got the hook ups ;) and that was a pretty good day. I heard that Nate got heat stroke! Was he just not drinking enough water or what?
Which big fall Watkins Glen? or TaughannockFalls? Watkins Glen is cool I haven't hiked it yet and taughannock is where we had the lake side service :)

How is everything going? I bet it is hotter then all get out over there! it was 99 degrees yesterday! with a ton of humidity!
Love ya!