Ray comes home

Monday, July 12, 2010

Happy 4th of July 2010

"For the 4th Elder Powers and I were asked to speak at a lake side service held for all the churches in Trumansburg. (Talk about giving a scary talk, this one was in front of 3-4 other ministers of other religions!) I spoke on the Gospel of Jesus Christ (faith,repentance, bapt, Holy Ghost, and Endure to the End.) It went really well! one of the Branch members got a picture of me preaching with the lake behind me and a big tree behind me and a book of mormon in my hand it looks really cool! i need to get a copy of it :) Then we went to a members home and sat around her fire pit and ate wild black berries (they actually call them black caps because they are so small they look more like a cap then a berry i guess either way i was thrilled!) Then we went to go watch a movie at the church with some recent converts (Joseph Smith, prophet of the restoration. the one they show at the visitors center... yeah iv got the hook ups ;) and that was a pretty good day. I heard that Nate got heat stroke! Was he just not drinking enough water or what?
Which big fall Watkins Glen? or TaughannockFalls? Watkins Glen is cool I haven't hiked it yet and taughannock is where we had the lake side service :)

How is everything going? I bet it is hotter then all get out over there! it was 99 degrees yesterday! with a ton of humidity!
Love ya!

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