Ray comes home

Friday, November 26, 2010

Cabin Fever Schenectady

Hey Mom!

How is it going?! Crazy week huh? How is the empty nest feeling? Do you have Nathan's box# yet?Oh yeah Pres Standage's first name is i think Ron or Rodney something like that... he knows Darrin and Devin Gray and Aunt Jennifer. Sis Standage is related to pres Driggs some how i think she said that's her uncle! SMALL WORLD! So, I got a knee brace now it hurt to wear it at first but now its helping i can walk a lot more. I think Sis. Bulloch called you on Tuesday right? if not I either bruised one of the bones in my knee probably the femar. OR I strained my meniscus... either way its feeling better. hope you have a good week!-EnRd

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