Ray comes home

Monday, November 2, 2009


Halloween Missionary STYLE!
Hey Everyone!

I have been having so much fun the last couple of days! Even though it was raining we still got out there and found some people! This week I had my 2nd Transfer Training. What is that? Well basically I got to work with one of the assistance and one of my zone leaders. As we were out working it started to rain and some construction workers asked us "are you guys heading in soon?" Elder Brandon quickly said "NOT A CHANCE!" I don't know why but the 3 of us busted up laughing for along time. Then down the street we found this drunk guy that kept trying to tell us that God is black.... hahaha.... so he was asking us if he was and Elder Bench said, "if some one gave you tickets to the super bowl in California would you try to figure out how to get there or what color the seats were?" haha man I probably didn't get any sleep because it was hysterical!

ON a more spiritual note though I found a new quote by Joseph Smith that is really cool! Some one asked me what the word Mormon meant, I explained that it was a name of a prophet... but he still wanted to know what it meant so I found the answer.
here it is:
"I may safely say that the word Mormon stands independent of the learning and wisdom of this generation. Before I give a definition, however, to the word let me say that The Bible in its widest sense means GOOD; for the Savior says according to the Gospel of John, "I am the good shepard;" and it will not be beyond the common use of terms to say that GOOD is among the most important in use, and though known by various names in different languages, still its meaning is the same, and ever in opposition to "bad." We say from the Saxon, "good"; the Dane, "god"; the Goth, "goda"; the German, "gut"; the Dutch, "goed"; the Latin "bonus"; the Greek, "kalos"; the Hebrew "tob"; and the Egyptian "MON." Hence with the addition of "MORE," or the contraction "MOR" we have the word "MOR-MON" which means literally, "MORE GOOD"
Joseph Smith"

I thought that was so cool that the book of mormon really means "The Book of MORE GOOD"
Share it with some one today :)
Well thank you all for everything and especially for those packages :)
-Elder R. Dandridge

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