Ray comes home

Monday, November 9, 2009

YoYo guess what it SNOWED

Hey everyone!
Its like 65 degrees out and I think we are going to go play some catch after we email its a nice day! That is kind of a weird thought if you knew that it snowed on Friday! All the trees leaves are gone and this place went from gorgeous to wasteland in about 3 days haha! I'm loving it though I enjoyed throwing a snowball at one of the Zone Leaders haha!
Anyways great news 2 baptisms coming up Tiffany and Nikki. There going to be baptized on Nikki's Birthday Nov. 21st hopefully it will be approved because they haven't come to church yet and they need to at least 3 time just as a general rule.I did an exchange this week with Elder Thomas and we committed someone else to be baptized as well. His mom is less active well actually she doesn't know yet but she is a Investigator again... She got baptized 10 years ago but she was never confirmed.... so.... she needs to be baptized again to make a long story short. She wanted the person that baptized her to baptize her son. She'll probably want him to baptize her too once she finds out she needs to do it again.
Anyways that's the news here hows it going in Az? hot?
I don't have any questions to answer so I'll just finish with a quote for the week.
"You can count how many seeds are in an apple but, you can't count how many apples are in a seed." -Pres. James E. Faust
"When life is more than you can stand... kneel." -Bishop Fairbanks of the Syracuse Ward.
well love ya!-Elder Dandridge

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