Ray comes home

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Happy New Year !! 2010

Elder Gaston, Roberts, Lyman, Dandridge
Missionary Quilt mom made for Christmas

Hello everyone!
Another great week in NY! It was a little funny on the weather side it was deep snow until Christmas night it all turned in to freezing rain and the snow was all melted. Then this morning there was like 3 inches over night its snowing crazy hard right now!
Christmas dinner was good... both of them! But the next day was pretty sad. We went to lunch at the Kirklands after we cleaned and started filling the font. Then Chris called and said that he wasn't ready to make the commitment. We tried everything we could but he still thought about it and he just wasn't ready (we both think he was WAY ready). So we called everyone we could and told them the baptism was off but we stuck around to tell others. So to sooth our sadness Dave Kribbs (a guy from the singles branch I serve in) took us to Tully's (that's like a sports oriented applebee's except bigger portions of everything and their chicken tenders are amazing)but besides that it was a great week and a lot of fun. I didn't build the snowman like I said because it was starting to melt... and it wouldn't have been any good.thanks for the amazing conversation on Christmas sounds like you are all doing really good.

I love you all and have a happy new year (I'm going to bed at 10:30)
Elder Dandridge

Merry Christmas

I'll be calling home at 10:30 AZ time -- I found Rudolph --- Syracuse Dec 2009

Syracuse Dist

Syracuse District Nov 09 - Dec 09

Thursday, December 17, 2009

I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas

How was your week?... That's good!
Well this week Elder Gaston and I were able to set a Baptismal Date for Dec.26 Chris is his name! After we taught him the Plan of Salvation he asked us how long we were going to meet with him. And we said "Either until you tell us to stop... or 2 years after your baptized" then he asked when do I get to be baptized? "When do you want to be baptized?!" so we picked the 26th and he said this right after "I'm ready to show God that I am willing to keep his commandments!" THERE ISN'T A BETTER REASON TO BE BAPTIZED!
He is such a good man. He got a hold of us through a member that he knew that was doing her missionary work :) He works at the 911 Call Center here in Syracuse... so if we loose our phone again... at least we can remember his work phone... haha!
ALSO! I love these people! I didn"t understand what missionaries meant when they said that but now I understand. We were on the bus and there where a lot of people on and then came on a girl that sat by us and she was crying. I wanted so bad to talk to her but we're not allowed to on the busses... All I could do was feel her pain and it made me want to cry. It was then when I could really feel how much love I feel for all these people here. Also I learned somthing much bigger than that. There are the motive of our actions Fear, Duty, & Love which = Telestial, Terrestial, & CELESTIAL. I hope we can all learn to love one another and everyone and be the kind of person Heavenly Father wants us to be.
LOVE,Elder Dandridge

Enjoy the Season

Elder Gaston

/ Elder Dandridge

Monday, December 7, 2009


Hello Everybody!
It has been so much fun in Syracuse! This weeks highlights... SNOW, stolen cellphone, and Christmas Devotional!
First on the list is snow. Well it snowed and it stuck to the ground for a little while then it melts. But yesterday it snowed HARD but it wasn't sticking to the ground although it was like 25 degrees out side! so that's it for snow... kinda...
Second! Our phone was stolen! Last time I talked on it was When i was in downtown Syracuse, and i think i was pick pocketed... good thing my wallet was in my inside coat pocket! we got a new phone and no ones numbers.
Last but not least The First Presidency's Message was AMAZING! I love those men and their testimonies of our Savior. I love this time of year and seeing more people with that light in their eyes.WELL I left my camera at home so you'll have to wait for next weeks pictures SORRY!love you all!Elder Dandridge

Happy Thanksgiving 1st in NY

Hey Everybodys!
This last Thanksgiving was AWESOME! I GOT TO EAT THIS YEAR! It was so good our day consisted of planning, cleaning, playing a turkey bowl with some kids in our apartment complex. Then we ate at 2 different houses!!! 1 at the Nelsons he is finishing up his residency here and then he will be a surgeon in Salt Lake. And then we ate at the Ruckers... Sam "doesn't turn off the TV on thanksgiving" so we did all we could not to watch the Cowboys/Raiders Game. It wasn't easy for Elder Gaston since he's from Decator, TX which is like 1hr away from Dallas! But we had fun all in all. Elder Gaston is a really jolly guy. An absolute goofball! But its a good thing! Sounds like you all had an enjoyable thanksgiving and I bet the food was great! Oh yes, I think that its a general rule here that all thanksgiving left overs go to the Elders... so we have like 2 thanksgivings in our fridge right now!ha ha anyways I hope all is well and that you guys are having fun in the sun! :)Love ya Elder Dandridge
Q&A: How are the lessons with Scott?A: They are going great! It all is something he is conserned about and he loved the plan of salvation (so do I) and he is shaping up his life... its great stuff!
PS How to say goodbye in "the cuse!" You put up two fingers (like peace out) and say "DUCES"
Elder Dandridge