Ray comes home

Thursday, December 17, 2009

I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas

How was your week?... That's good!
Well this week Elder Gaston and I were able to set a Baptismal Date for Dec.26 Chris is his name! After we taught him the Plan of Salvation he asked us how long we were going to meet with him. And we said "Either until you tell us to stop... or 2 years after your baptized" then he asked when do I get to be baptized? "When do you want to be baptized?!" so we picked the 26th and he said this right after "I'm ready to show God that I am willing to keep his commandments!" THERE ISN'T A BETTER REASON TO BE BAPTIZED!
He is such a good man. He got a hold of us through a member that he knew that was doing her missionary work :) He works at the 911 Call Center here in Syracuse... so if we loose our phone again... at least we can remember his work phone... haha!
ALSO! I love these people! I didn"t understand what missionaries meant when they said that but now I understand. We were on the bus and there where a lot of people on and then came on a girl that sat by us and she was crying. I wanted so bad to talk to her but we're not allowed to on the busses... All I could do was feel her pain and it made me want to cry. It was then when I could really feel how much love I feel for all these people here. Also I learned somthing much bigger than that. There are the motive of our actions Fear, Duty, & Love which = Telestial, Terrestial, & CELESTIAL. I hope we can all learn to love one another and everyone and be the kind of person Heavenly Father wants us to be.
LOVE,Elder Dandridge

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