Ray comes home

Monday, December 7, 2009


Hello Everybody!
It has been so much fun in Syracuse! This weeks highlights... SNOW, stolen cellphone, and Christmas Devotional!
First on the list is snow. Well it snowed and it stuck to the ground for a little while then it melts. But yesterday it snowed HARD but it wasn't sticking to the ground although it was like 25 degrees out side! so that's it for snow... kinda...
Second! Our phone was stolen! Last time I talked on it was When i was in downtown Syracuse, and i think i was pick pocketed... good thing my wallet was in my inside coat pocket! we got a new phone and no ones numbers.
Last but not least The First Presidency's Message was AMAZING! I love those men and their testimonies of our Savior. I love this time of year and seeing more people with that light in their eyes.WELL I left my camera at home so you'll have to wait for next weeks pictures SORRY!love you all!Elder Dandridge

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