Ray comes home

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Like a Lighthouse

"Hey there mom and dad!

I don't know if you guys knew what you were doing when you named me but I think it actually means something more then you guys originally thought! I was studying this morning and I was looking up gospel words in the dictionary so that I might be able to better explain the words. I can't recall what word I was searching for when my eyes came across the word 'newel' and I though 'woah! it actually means something!!!???!' so i had to read it!

'newel- In a winding staircase, the central upright pillar around which the steps turn; the post at the foot or turn of any stairway' (Websters Comprehensive Dictionary, 1954)

Well that was cool! well i know what ray means but lets look at the definition.

'ray- A line or pencil of light proceeding from appoint of light;... to shoot forth or shine forth' (Websters Comprehensive Dictionary, 1954).

Well there is only one thing that I can think of what has a winding staircase or newel and rays of light is a light house.

Well thanks a lot Mom and Dad I guess I'll just have to try hard to live up to that name, but that helped me feel a little better this morning knowing that I am in away living up to that right now. You see, sailors look for these light houses so that they may be able to safely get into port. I am very grateful for the time I have now to serve as that to our Heavenly Father's children. All of His children who are searching for a safe arrival back to Him. I am very glad that I get to share His 'light' or the gospel every single day for the rest of my mission, and hopefully the rest of my mission.

Thanks Mom and Dad I love you both,
-Elder 'Light House' Dandridge"

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